Death Bed

This post is to serve the purpose of warning us not to leave our child unattended,to leave them alone even for a while....Ajal maut d tgn Allah.....

I was browsing for cute pic of baby sleeping when i found a really sad story about a little baby whose trying to get off from his bed n his head get stuck in between the bed n the wooden barrier n the bedsheet muffled his cries n no one could heard him screaming for his life..while his feet dangling couldnt reach th floor.And when i saw the torn bedsheet,i couldnt help but cried my heart out....cant imagine his suffering trying to catch his breath...Ya Allah,jauhkanla ankku dr malapetaka.....Semoga menjadi iktibar wt kita semua....owh,im crying like never did before.....T_T


  1. sedihnya..kesian! mana la ibu ayah dia masa tu..

  2. Ya Allah,seksanya baby tu...mana la mak bapaknya..

  3. i wonder how someone manage to capture the picture instead of immediately releasing the baby from its agonising position. are people really that heartless? what did they do when they saw this? check the baby pulse and rushing to get camera?

    i don't understand....



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