Our Perfumes Bottle :-)

So,this is how our Drastiq Perfumes bottle looks like....I know,at 1st glance npk mcm onedrop kn?but its not okehh....the cap n the bottom of the bottles is different....so did the perfumes....we're selling 100% authentic branded perfumes,not the non-alcohol or pati whatsoever....maybe the colors are :-) ....So,with a hundred bucks,u can get more than 5 different perfumes and u can easily carried around all of it.....haha...thats wat im doin rite now...im using the bottles now...of coz before we sell,we need to know wether the product is good or not,i mean the bottles of coz...the perfumes,totally 200% authentic....so,back to the bottles...its a roll on type...currently i put my tommy edt n dkny be delicious edp....no dripping,didnt dried out(coz of the alcohol content),easy to carry around n of coz,can jimat ur perfume...just roll a little bit here n there,done....if we use spray type,i can assure u at least 10% of it u use as ur room spray.....hahah....we're still waiting for our official DRASTIQ PERFUMES logos to be done n then we can proceed with the sticker printing...insyaAllah,by February we'll be ready to operate....so,who's interested can go to our DRASTIQ PERFUMES fb page like us n keep posted with our latest news....:-)
ps:tetiba ai nak speaking tp ala2 rojak buah...hihihi


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